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The Speaker of the National Assembly, Rt Hon. (Dr.) Moses Wetang'ula, has directed a Joint Ad hoc Committee to investigate the activities of the cryptocurrency project Worldcoin and report to the House within 42 days.

The Joint Committee led by Hon. Gabriel Tongoyo (Narok West) will focus on examining the operations of Worldcoin in Kenya. It will engage with relevant parties, such as Ministries, Departments, and Agencies with pertinent mandates.

Speaker Wetang'ula said that the Joint Ad hoc Committee's mandate extends to addressing the concerns raised in a statement made by Hon. Gitonga Mukunji (Manyatta) regarding the reported activities of Worldcoin.

The Committee is made up of 15 Members drawn from the Departmental Committees on;ย  Administration and Internal Security, Communication, Information and Innovation, and Tourism and Wildlife.

โ€œI want to inform you that each of the three Committees has nominated five Members from their respective memberships,โ€ stated Speaker Wetangโ€™ula.

The Departmental Committee on Administration andย  Internal Securityย  nominated Hon. Mburu Kahangara (Lari), Hon. Caroline Ng'elechei (Elgeyo Marakwet), Hon. Peter Kaluma (Homabay Town), and Hon. Sara Korere (Laikipia North).

The Departmental Committee on Communication, Information & Innovationย  nominated its chairperson, Hon. John Kiarie (Dagoretti South),ย  Hon. Geoffrey Wandeto (Tetu), Hon. Gideon Kimaiyo (Keiyo South), Hon. Shakeel Shabbir (Kisumu East), and nominated MP Hon. Irene Mayaka.

The Departmental Committee on Tourism & Wildlife nominated its chairperson, Hon. Kareke Mbiuki (Maara), Hon. Geoffrey Ruku (Mbeere North), Hon. (Dr.) Edwin Gichuki (Mathioya), Hon. (Capt). Ruweida Obo (Lamu East), and Hon. Innocent Maino Mugabe (Likuyani).

Speaker Wetangula clarified that,ย  โ€œConsidering the nominations from the Committees and in consultation with the House leadership, I have co-opted Hon. Gitonga Mukunji (Manyatta), Hon. Umulkher Harun Mohamed (Nominated) and Hon. Fredrick Ikana ( Shinyalu).โ€

He added that the co-opted Members will contribute to the Committee's discussions and provide insights but won't possess voting rights.

โ€œLet me remind the Committee of the urgency to conduct this inquiry promptly and deliver a report to the House by Thursday, 28th September 2023,โ€ the Speaker concluded.