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Report of the Auditor- General on Kenya Airports Authority for the Year Ended 30 June , 2023
Report of the Auditor- General on Kenya Civil Aviation Authority for the Year Ended 30 June , 2023.pdf
Report of the Auditor- General on Kenya Rural Roads Authority for the Year Ended 30 June , 2023
Report of the Auditor- General on National Cereal and Produce Board for the Year Ended 30 June , 2023
Report of the Auditor- General on National Drought Management Authority for the Year Ended 30 June , 2023.pdf
Report of the Auditor- General on Kenya Reinsurance Corporation Limited for the Year Ended 30 December , 2023
Report of the Auditor- General on National Trnasport and Safety Authority for the Year Ended 30 June , 2023
Report of the Auditor- General on Media Council of Kenya for the Year Ended 30 June , 2023.pdf
Report of the Auditor - General on Engineers Board of Kenya for the Year Ended 30 June, 2021
Report of the Auditor - General on Coucil of Legal Education for the Year Ended 30 June, 2021
Report of the Auditor - General on Communications Authority of Kenya - Universl Service Fund for the Year Ended 30 June, 2021
Report of the Auditor - General on Bomas of Kenya Limited for the Year Ended 30 June, 2021
Report of the Auditor - General on Athi Water Works Development Agency for the Year Ended 30 June, 2021
Report of the Auditor - General on NG-CDF - Igembe Central Constituency for the Year Ended 30 June, 2021
Repot of the Auditor -General on State Department for Devolution for the year ended 30th June 2022.
Report pf the Auditor -General on Rwabura Irrigation Development Project For the Year Ended June, 2022
Report of the the Auditor -General on State Department for Tourism for the year ended 30th June,2022.
Report of the AuditorGeneral on Study and Capacity Building Fund Project (Grant Numbers CKE 6015 01K., CKE 1043 )!F and CKE 1047
Report of the Auditor-General on Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council fort he Year Ended 30 June, 2020
Report of the Auditor-General on Horn of Africa Gateway Development Project-Ida Credit No. 6768-ke for the Thirteen Months
Report of the Auditor-General on Forensic Audit on Procurement and use of Heavy Fuel Oils for the Periond Covered 1July, 2018
Report of the Auditor-General and Financial Statements Runyenjes Technical and Vocational college for the year ended 30th June,
Report of the Auditor-General and Financial Statements for Infrastructure finance and public private partnerships project –IDA
Report of the Auditor-General and Financial Statements for Horn of Africa Gateway Development project IDA Credit no.6768 NTSA
Report of the Auditor-General and Financial Statements for Sirisia Technical and vocational college for year ended 30th Jun 2021